FREEZE I'm Ma Baker. Put your hands in air, gim'me all your money This is the story of Ma Baker, the meanest cat From all Chicago town. She was the meanest cat In old Chicago town. She was the meanest cat, She really moved them down. She had no heart at all, No, no, no heart at all. She was the meanest cat Oh she was really tough. She left her husband flat, He wasn't tough enough. She took her boys along, 'cause they were mean and strong. Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - she taught her four sons, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - to handle their guns, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - she never could cry, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - but she knew how to die. They left a trail of crime Across the U.S.A. And when one boy was killed, She really made them pay. She had no heart at all, No no no heart at all. Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - she taught her four sons, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - to handle their guns, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - she never could cry, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - but she knew how to die. She met a man she liked, She thought she'd stay with him. One day he formed with them, They did away with him. She didn't care at all, Just didn't care at all. Here is a special bulletin. Ma Baker is the FBI's most wanted woman. Her photo is hanging on every post office wall. If you have any information about this woman, Please contact the nearest police station... Don't anybody move The money or your lives One day they robbed a bank, It was their last foray. The cops appeared too soon, They couldn't get away, And all the loot they had, It made them mighty mad. And so they shot it out - Ma Baker and her sons. They didn't want to hang, They died with blazing guns, And so the story ends Of one who left no friends. Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - she taught her four sons, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - to handle their guns, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - she never could cry, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - but she knew how to die. Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - she taught her four sons, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - to handle their guns, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - she never could cry, Ma - Ma - Ma - Ma Ma Baker - but she knew how to die.
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Музыкальная тема GTA Vice City Просмотры: 4209 Лайки: 0 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 01:36
Наша телекомпания совместно с волонтерами города продолжает помогать бездомным животным находить хозяев и новый уютный дом. Герои сегодняшней серии – элегантный персидский кот шиншилловой окраски и мечта любого ребенка – игривый непоседа Бусик. Давайте знакомиться. Просмотры: 3154 Лайки: 1 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 01:55
famous ukranian coloratura Diana Petrynenko sings song 'The Gallant Weaver' on Robert Burns 's verses. Music by Mykola Silvansky Микола Сільванський - Роберт Бьорнс / переклад С.Маршака (російською) Діана Петриненко у супроводі ф-но. Запис українського радіо, 1973 Где к морю катится река, Быстра, бурлива и звонка, Там я встречала паренька, Веселого ткача. Семь женихов из-за реки Пришли просить моей руки. Не рвать же сердце на куски, - Отдам его ткачу! Меня бранят отец и мать, Им по душе богатый зять. Они велят мне отказать Веселому ткачу. Отец мой жаден и упрям, Грозит: «Приданого не дам!» Но к сердцу руку я придам - И все отдам ткачу. Пока вода в реке бежит, Пока пчела в цветке жужжит И рожь под ливнями дрожит, Любовь моя - ткачу! used painting: 'Bothwell Castle on the Clyde' by Paul Sandby Просмотры: 2590 Лайки: 0 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 03:18
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