I move weight like a freight truck, build the muscle
You can&39t escape your fate, we ain&39t scared to tussle
I put the pressure on your offense, you can&39t advance
I&39m a pro, hit the bench, bro, you had your chance
Do that dance in the end zone and hone my skill
If I don&39t take it all the way, no one will
Get back, you outta line, you outta your mind
You outta time, keep searching brotha how do you find
Another man as efficient as this machine I am
I was born immortal, to be the king of the sport, a portal
Just follow me to the next dimension
You get lifted like these plates I&39m benchin&39
Go ahead, put your two cents in
Your worries are worthless
Takes a strong-like mind to understand my purpose
It&39s to shine more bright than sunlight
I&39m the storm at night
Bring it on, if you ready to fight
Bring it on
Do you accept the challenge?
Bring it on
I&39m-a test your balance
Bring it on
You can&39t stand the violence
So put your tail between your legs
And leave in silence
Bring it on
You can&39t handle the heat
Bring it on
This cannibal is hungry for meat
Bring it on
And I&39m ready to eat
So if you&39re scared get outta here
Before you get beat
Bring it on
Yeah, the heat is on
You better get your best to the plate or it be the gong
Calculate the magnitude of the situation you&39re facing
No time for pacin&39, there&39s no time for wastin&39
What you thought, it would be a cake walk?
I won&39t make it easy for you to hate-talk
The trash is big
No, I couldn&39t let you do it no longer
So I built up mass and my passion is stronger
To the point that I need an extra me to hold it
So think that you could try but ain&39t no need to fold it
Or bend it any which way, nothing is happening
Just me groovin&39 here, I&39m-a keep on rappin&39
And then the competition has to retire, no other choice
Who can do it like I do it? No other voice
If you need some help, call the doctor, get some medicine
I&39ll expire you, bring you back to life and make you dead again
Show me the money, show me the glory
Gimme a second to demonstrate let me tell you the story
Do me a favor, pretend my name wasn&39t in the street
If you my homie you won&39t have no problem holding this heat
If you my enemy, then stay away you gets no love
lmagine your soul escaping, just floatin&39 above
Another day, another dollar, earned the paper real slick
Ah, it doesn&39t matter if it&39s illegitimate
Either way we&39re gonna get what we want and get it quick
If you in the way, you feel the contents of this clip
I&39m not a gangsta, but I know gangstas belong in the dump
I&39m not a softie, come on, let me see you show you a chump
Not a little boy talkin&39 big man talk, neither
I&39m a cold brotha, never catch me without a heater
You want drama, I&39ve got it for you like it was Broadway
Didn&39t wanna miss a night, you have to learn it the hard way
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Музыкальная тема GTA Vice City Просмотры: 4209 Лайки: 0 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 01:36
Наша телекомпания совместно с волонтерами города продолжает помогать бездомным животным находить хозяев и новый уютный дом. Герои сегодняшней серии – элегантный персидский кот шиншилловой окраски и мечта любого ребенка – игривый непоседа Бусик. Давайте знакомиться. Просмотры: 3154 Лайки: 1 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 01:55
famous ukranian coloratura Diana Petrynenko sings song 'The Gallant Weaver' on Robert Burns 's verses. Music by Mykola Silvansky Микола Сільванський - Роберт Бьорнс / переклад С.Маршака (російською) Діана Петриненко у супроводі ф-но. Запис українського радіо, 1973 Где к морю катится река, Быстра, бурлива и звонка, Там я встречала паренька, Веселого ткача. Семь женихов из-за реки Пришли просить моей руки. Не рвать же сердце на куски, - Отдам его ткачу! Меня бранят отец и мать, Им по душе богатый зять. Они велят мне отказать Веселому ткачу. Отец мой жаден и упрям, Грозит: «Приданого не дам!» Но к сердцу руку я придам - И все отдам ткачу. Пока вода в реке бежит, Пока пчела в цветке жужжит И рожь под ливнями дрожит, Любовь моя - ткачу! used painting: 'Bothwell Castle on the Clyde' by Paul Sandby Просмотры: 2590 Лайки: 0 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 03:18
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