sound effects from tools Nothing ever (ever) happens in this town Feelin' low down (down), not a lot to do around here I thought that I would go right outta my mind Until a friend told me the news He said, "(Hey), you know that vacant lot Right beside the gas station? Well, somebody bought it And on the spot they're gonna build a shop Where we can go buy bolts and screws" Since then I've been walking on air (air) I can barely brush my teeth or comb my hair 'Cause I'm so excited and I really don't care I've been waiting since last June For this day to finally arrive I'm so happy (happy) now just to be alive 'Cause any minute now I'm gonna be inside Well, I hope they open soon I can't wait no, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When they gonna open up that door? I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the Hardware store In my sleeping bag I camped out overnight Right in front of the store, then as soon as it was light out I pressed my nose right up against the glass You know, I had to be first in line Gonna get me a flashlight and a broom Want a pair of pliers for every single room in my house See those hacksaws? Very, very soon One of them will be all mine Guys with name tags walking down the aisles Rows of garden hoses that go on for miles and miles Brand new socket wrenches in a plethora of styles All arranged alphabetically And they're doing a promotional stunt There's a great big purple sign out front That says every 27th customer Will get a ball pein hammer free I can't wait no, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When are they gonna open up that door? I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the Hardware store I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the Hardware store (breathe) Would you look at all that stuff ... They've got allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats, electric heaters Trash compactors, juice extractors, shower rods and water heaters Walkie-talkies, copper wires, safety goggles, radial tires BB pellets, rubber mallets, fans and dehumidifiers Picture hangers, paper cutters, waffle irons, window shutters Paint removers, window louvers, masking tape and plastic gutters Kitchen faucets, folding tables, weather stripping, jumper cables Hooks and tackle, grout and spackle, power foggers, spoons and ladles Pesticides for fumigation, high-performance lubrication Metal roofing, water proofing, multi-purpose insulation Air compressors, brass connectors, wrecking chisels, smoke detectors Tire gauges, hamster cages, thermostats and bug deflectors Trailer hitch demagnetizers, automatic circumcisers Tennis rackets, angle brackets, Duracells and Energizers Soffit panels, circuit brakers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers Calculators, generators, matching salt and pepper shakers I can't wait no, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When are they gonna open up that door? I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the Hardware store I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the Goi
Просмотры: 23680 Лайки: 0 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 03:22
Музыкальная тема GTA Vice City Просмотры: 4209 Лайки: 0 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 01:36
Наша телекомпания совместно с волонтерами города продолжает помогать бездомным животным находить хозяев и новый уютный дом. Герои сегодняшней серии – элегантный персидский кот шиншилловой окраски и мечта любого ребенка – игривый непоседа Бусик. Давайте знакомиться. Просмотры: 3154 Лайки: 1 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 01:55
famous ukranian coloratura Diana Petrynenko sings song 'The Gallant Weaver' on Robert Burns 's verses. Music by Mykola Silvansky Микола Сільванський - Роберт Бьорнс / переклад С.Маршака (російською) Діана Петриненко у супроводі ф-но. Запис українського радіо, 1973 Где к морю катится река, Быстра, бурлива и звонка, Там я встречала паренька, Веселого ткача. Семь женихов из-за реки Пришли просить моей руки. Не рвать же сердце на куски, - Отдам его ткачу! Меня бранят отец и мать, Им по душе богатый зять. Они велят мне отказать Веселому ткачу. Отец мой жаден и упрям, Грозит: «Приданого не дам!» Но к сердцу руку я придам - И все отдам ткачу. Пока вода в реке бежит, Пока пчела в цветке жужжит И рожь под ливнями дрожит, Любовь моя - ткачу! used painting: 'Bothwell Castle on the Clyde' by Paul Sandby Просмотры: 2590 Лайки: 0 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 03:18
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